---------------------------------------- WOPR 6.0 README FILE February 1994 ---------------------------------------- (C) Copyright Pinecliffe International, 1994 WOPR 6 is a collection of useful Add-Ins and macros for Word for Windows 6.x. ------------------------ Installation Quick Start ------------------------ 1. Start Windows, if it's not running yet. 2. Exit WinWord 6. 3. Use Program Manager's File, Run menu to run the SETUP.EXE from the WOPR distribution. 4. Follow the directions, choosing a directory put WOPR, WinBreak, and TSS AddressBookLite files. This performs the first-stage installation. 5. Start WinWord 6, and it will: a. Initialize for "Stellar Spellar". This can take a minute or so. b. Automatically open the WOPRINST.DOC file. This is the WOPR macro-manager. 6. Click OK to the initial dialog box, and double-click on the installation sentence to install the portions of WOPR 6 that you need. That's it! TSS AddressBookLite, the small and fast address book utility, needs to be installed separately. Open the ADBKLIT6.DOC file in the WOPR\ADBKLITE directory and follow the instructions. To get Toolbar Buttons for the WOPR FileManager, WOPR FileSaveAs, and ToolbarEditor, open WOPRINST.DOC, run the installer, choose the "WOPR FileManager" from the list on the left, and click "Install". To give the TSS AddressBookLite menu entry a WOPR logo, run the installer, choose the "TSS Address Book Lite" from the list on the left and click "Install". ------------------------ MORE INFO ------------------------ Running SETUP.EXE will install the following components into your WINWORD\STARTUP directory, so that they are always available: WOPR FileManager WOPR FileSaveAs TBEdit Stellar Spellar KMenu (that's the one that puts the WOPR logo on your menus) 6WOPR.DOT Additionally, SETUP.EXE will install WinBreak in a separate directory. Finally, SETUP copies all the other WOPR files into the WOPR directory you chose. (TSS AddressBookLite components will be in a separate subdirectory under WOPR.) The utilities directly installed by SETUP will make global changes to the menus in your NORMAL.DOT. These include the ones on the short-cut menus for Spellar. If you disable the Add-In using File, Templates, the menu entries will remain, but will not do anything. If you wish to uninstall these utilities, you will have to remove the menu entries manually using Tools, Customize, and choose the Menu pane. ------------------------ WOPRINST.DOC ------------------------ When you use the WOPRInstaller/Manager to install and uninstall other WOPR components such as Enveloper, 2x4, FileNew, and the Lil'WOPRs, customizations to your menus/toolbars/keys are all stored in 6WOPR.DOT. Additionally, the FileNew and Lil'WOPR macros are copied into 6WOPR.DOT. All the customizations stored in 6WOPR.DOT will be available whenever you start WinWord, because it's in your WINWORD\STARTUP directory. To temporarily disable any WOPR functions, you can choose File, Templates to disable 6WOPR.DOT, 2x4.DOT or ENVR6.DOT. Use the WOPRInstaller/Manager (WOPRINST.DOC) to install and uninstall these components permanently. ------------------------ INSTALLING FROM SCRATCH ------------------------ In the WINWORD\STARTUP directory, remove these files, if they are there: 2x4v6.dot 6wopr.dot envr6.dot speller.ini speller.wll tbedit6.* wopr.dot wopr.bak wopr_big.tbl wopr_sml.tbs woprfile.* In your WINDOWS directory, remove or restore to WOPR 2 settings MMASTER.INI, then clen up the WOPR6 entries in KMENU.INI. In your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, remove: WOPRDOS.DLL TSS2.DLL FWDLG.DLL METZX.DLL Finally, edit your WOPR.INI to delete the following sections: [Enveloper 6.0] [Two-by-Four 6.0] [ViewHeader] [ViewCharacters] [WOPR Duplicate Style] [WOPR EditReplace] [WOPR FastFind] [WOPR FileDelete 3.0] [General] [Commands] End-Of-File